How to read a smart contract even if you don’t know how to code?

Reading a smart contract even if you’re non-technical

Reading a smart contract even if you’re non-technical

Smart contracts in web3 remove intermediaries. This is great but also means there is no one verifying or checking that the smart contract does what it is supposed to. This is more relevant than ever following the Opensea phishing attack.

Here’s a quick guide on how you can review an Ethereum smart contract.

Find the token on Etherscan

Every token that you own is available on Etherscan. Find it using the link below on Metamask.


Navigate to the contract

Click on the link below to navigate to the contract.


Etherscan provides the following details for the contract - transactions and contract are the most important.


Check transaction details

Look for anything suspicious. For example, large amounts being transferred to a single address or “chained” transactions.

Check contract functions

The contract tells you the functions can be executed - divided into “read” and “write”.

  • Read: functions that can be used to read from a contract. For example, the function below (”totalSupply”) provides the total number of tokens in circulation for this contract.
  • Write: functions that can make changes to the contract. For example, the below blacklists a user for a particular contract.
If you are asked to sign a transaction, pay attention to what you are signing up for, particularly if the service is requesting for “write” access.