How decentralised is your web3 platform? It's important to know.

Let's talk about the extent to which web3 platforms are decentralised.

If you're participating in web3, you should review the extent of decentralisation in your community or platform. It'll help you distinguish between opportunities, and understand tradeoffs. These are roughly organised in the order that I think is most important.

Can members make decisions?

Members should be able to make decisions using tokens.

A web3 platform should enable decision making for users by issuing tokens. If not, bear in mind that authority rests with a person or a group of people.

Do users enjoy ownership?

Web3 platforms should enable ownership for their users.

As a web3 user, you should benefit from the success of the platform. This happens through token ownership. If not, ask yourself what you seek to gain from the platform.

Is the data decentralised?

Web3 platforms should store data using decentralised solutions.

The purpose of web3 is defeated if platforms use centralised data storage services like AWS or Azure. This area is nascent so might need some time - solutions like Arweave are leading the charge. If not, you may not be able to take your data with you when you leave.

Where is it hosted?

Web3 platforms should host on decentralised services.

Web3 platforms should host on decentralised hosting services like Fleek or IPFS. Centralised solutions are fine in the short-term but look out in the medium to long-term.

Pay attention

Decentralisation is a spectrum. As a web3 user, it’s worth asking the questions above so that you’re aware of the extent of decentralisation.